Audrey Morris

Dianna Bedell

Sign up today for The New Yorker's Cartoon Kit, our interactive (and free!) cartoon builder, that puts the pen of a New Yorker cartoonist into your hand. Using the provided backdrop, characters and props, submit your own captioned cartoon and we'll select five winners to be featured online. PLUS — enter now for a chance to WIN A TRIP TO NYC You could win a trip for two to New York City to meet Cartoon Editor Robert Mankoff and tour The New Yorker offices. | |||||||
Come back every day to get a chance to win a copy of our new book, On the Money: The Economy in Cartoons, 1925-2009. | |||||||
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Promotion begins October 26, 2009 at 12:01 a.m. e.t. and ends November 22 at 11:59 p.m. e.t., when all entries must be received. Open to all legal residents of the United States and District of Columbia and Canada (except the province of Quebec) who are at least 13 years of age. For full rules and to enter Contest and Sweepstakes go to www.newyorker.com/cartoonkit. Prizes: Sweepstakes: There will be 28 daily winners of Runner-Up prizes. The runner-up prize is a copy of the book "ON THE MONEY: The Economy in Cartoons 1925 - 2009" (ARV: $24.99). There will be one Grand Prize winner. The prize is a trip to the New Yorker's offices and a tour of the office with cartoon editor Bob Mankoff (ARV: $3000). Contest: There will be five (5) cartoon Submission winners. The cartoon Submission prize is being featured in a winner's slide show on newyorker.com. The approximate retail value of the cartoon Submission prize is $0. Odds of winning random drawings depend on the number of entries received. Sponsor: Condé Nast Publications, 4 Times Square, New York NY 10036. To remove this e-mail address from future newyorker.com promotions, forward this e-mail to unsubscribe-ctg0aib62aacnskqsbjdtjfolziqaohq@email.condenet.com. You will no longer receive our special offers; however, you will continue to receive any newsletters to which you have subscribed. Sent from Conde Nast Digital, 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 16th floor, New York, NY 10036, attn: Email Coordinatorprivacy_administration@advancemags.com Conde Nast Publications, Privacy Administrator, 1313 Market Street, Wilmington, DE |
Intro to Woodshop:
Friday, October 16th - 10:30am
Advanced Woodworking:
Table Saw, Jointer, and Planer
Friday, October 16th - 01:30pm
MIG Welding:
Friday, October 23rd - 10:30am
Advanced Woodworking:
Table Saw, Jointer, and Planer
Friday, October 23rd - 01:30pm
Intro to Woodshop:
Friday, October 30th - 10:30am
Advanced Woodworking:
Table Saw, Jointer, and Planer
Friday, October 30th - 01:30pm
Metal Fabrication Shop Training:
Friday, November 6th - 10:30am
MIG Welding:
Friday, November 6th - 01:30pm