Are you a SCAD-Atlanta student or alum? Email your art related blog or DA or LJ to become an official member. Members have more networking opportunities and highly involved members get access to the Temple table and free entry at conventions. Membership has its rewards!
And don't forget about sketch challenges over the winter break. Happy holidays!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
SCAD Anthology submissions
Hey, Temple kids. Here's your shot to be in the anthology. Now you've got no reason to gripe if there's no ATL work in there, eh?
"Want to have your work published and view by thousands of people? SCAD Sequential Art Department announces a call for submissions for the Anthology “Travel.” The anthology is published by SCAD and distributed nationally. The anthology is open to all SCAD students and alumni, not just sequential art majors, but anyone who wants to try to write and draw a story. The Sequential Art Department is soliciting submissions for the SCAD Sequential Art 2011 Anthology: TRAVEL .
As you travel during your break, you may find inspiration for a great story idea, reflect on a travel experience from your past, or just come up with something new and creative.
Deadline for submissions on Monday, January 31 , 2011, but it is never too early to get started. Utilize your time off during the break to get started early.
OPEN TO: SCAD Students and Alumni
THEME: Travel
LENGTH: 2-8 sequential pages
Size: Book size will be Digest Size: 5.5" x 8.5", Artwork Size: 4.5" x 6.75"
Note: This is proportionate to 10" x 15" panels on 11" x 17" paper.
Color: B&W (Grayscale): Flat grays are preferred over zip-tones. Tone will be created at the printer.
Electronic Files: If you choose to create your work electronically, files should be no smaller than
300 DPI B&W or Grayscale TIF.
Letter Size B&W copies only (no originals)
Include page number and your last name on each sheet
Supply a completed Application or type cover sheet including the following:
- Title
- Full Name
- SCAD Student ID#
- SCAD Email address
- Phone Number
Stapled in upper left-hand corner (no plastic covers)
DUE DATE: Monday January 31, 2011, 5:00pm, Norris Hall Room 1A.
NOTE: Submissions not adhering to guidelines will not be considered."
"Want to have your work published and view by thousands of people? SCAD Sequential Art Department announces a call for submissions for the Anthology “Travel.” The anthology is published by SCAD and distributed nationally. The anthology is open to all SCAD students and alumni, not just sequential art majors, but anyone who wants to try to write and draw a story. The Sequential Art Department is soliciting submissions for the SCAD Sequential Art 2011 Anthology: TRAVEL .
As you travel during your break, you may find inspiration for a great story idea, reflect on a travel experience from your past, or just come up with something new and creative.
Deadline for submissions on Monday, January 31 , 2011, but it is never too early to get started. Utilize your time off during the break to get started early.
OPEN TO: SCAD Students and Alumni
THEME: Travel
LENGTH: 2-8 sequential pages
Size: Book size will be Digest Size: 5.5" x 8.5", Artwork Size: 4.5" x 6.75"
Note: This is proportionate to 10" x 15" panels on 11" x 17" paper.
Color: B&W (Grayscale): Flat grays are preferred over zip-tones. Tone will be created at the printer.
Electronic Files: If you choose to create your work electronically, files should be no smaller than
300 DPI B&W or Grayscale TIF.
Letter Size B&W copies only (no originals)
Include page number and your last name on each sheet
Supply a completed Application or type cover sheet including the following:
- Title
- Full Name
- SCAD Student ID#
- SCAD Email address
- Phone Number
Stapled in upper left-hand corner (no plastic covers)
DUE DATE: Monday January 31, 2011, 5:00pm, Norris Hall Room 1A.
NOTE: Submissions not adhering to guidelines will not be considered."
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wizard World Atlanta
Wizard World is holding their first annual comic convention in Altanta this December 4-5th at the Cobb Galleria Centre. You can get all the information you need here for times, floor map, directions, etc..
If you are a college student, professor, military, police, or fire you can get discounted tickets for $5/day here. Share this link around. SEQA students take advantage of this and come out to Wizard World ATL!
SEQA-Atlanta will be represented by a ton of alum, faculty, grads, and undergrads at Wizard World ATL. Each of these people will have their own table in artist alley or will be manning the Temple of Cartoon Mojo table at Table 534. Click on the SEQA-Atlanta guests for more information and come by to say hello:
Shawn Crystal
SEQA-ATL Program Coordinator
Table 917
Nolan Woodard
SEQA Faculty
Table 1303
Doug Dabbs
SEQA Faculty
Table 1101
Chris Schweizer
SEQA Faculty
Table 534
June Brigman
SEQA Faculty
Table 919
Roy Richardson
SEQA Faculty
Table 919
Rick Lovell
ILLU Faculty
Table 917
Matthew Wilson
Table 1218
Dominike "Domo" Stanton
Table 534
Cara McGee
Table 534
Remington Veteto
Table 534
Wook-Jin "Hunter" Clark
Graduate Student
Table 917
Jay Peteranetz
Graduate Student
Table 534
Jackie Lewis
Graduate Student
Table 534
Robin Holstein
Graduate Student
Table 534
If you are also SCAD-Atlanta alum, faculty, or student and will have a table at Wizard World Atlanta, please email so we can add you to our list.
If you are a college student, professor, military, police, or fire you can get discounted tickets for $5/day here. Share this link around. SEQA students take advantage of this and come out to Wizard World ATL!
SEQA-Atlanta will be represented by a ton of alum, faculty, grads, and undergrads at Wizard World ATL. Each of these people will have their own table in artist alley or will be manning the Temple of Cartoon Mojo table at Table 534. Click on the SEQA-Atlanta guests for more information and come by to say hello:
SEQA-ATL Program Coordinator
Table 917
SEQA Faculty
Table 1303
SEQA Faculty
Table 1101
Chris Schweizer
SEQA Faculty
Table 534
June Brigman
SEQA Faculty
Table 919
Roy Richardson
SEQA Faculty
Table 919
Rick Lovell
ILLU Faculty
Table 917

Table 1218
Table 534
Table 534
Table 534
Graduate Student
Table 917
Graduate Student
Table 534
Graduate Student
Table 534
Robin Holstein
Graduate Student
Table 534
If you are also SCAD-Atlanta alum, faculty, or student and will have a table at Wizard World Atlanta, please email so we can add you to our list.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Holiday Break & Sketch Challenges
We hope everyone had a great Fall quarter and are enjoying the beginning of Thanksgiving week. Being able to practice an art-form we love is definitely something to be thankful for.
Want to see some of the best work completed by students this quarter? Check out our Showcase. Click here or the menu button above. There is some really amazing work up!
Students, during the holiday break continue to work on your skills. Use open sketch challenges as opportunities to polish and experiment. Sketch Challenge posts draw in a ton of traffic directly (and sometimes get re-posted on other blogs!) so the fact they aren't on the main page anymore doesn't matter. The traffic does! So check out the sketch challenges available and show your piers what you can do. For a complete list of all sketch challenges you can do go here!
Want to see some of the best work completed by students this quarter? Check out our Showcase. Click here or the menu button above. There is some really amazing work up!
Students, during the holiday break continue to work on your skills. Use open sketch challenges as opportunities to polish and experiment. Sketch Challenge posts draw in a ton of traffic directly (and sometimes get re-posted on other blogs!) so the fact they aren't on the main page anymore doesn't matter. The traffic does! So check out the sketch challenges available and show your piers what you can do. For a complete list of all sketch challenges you can do go here!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Colorist Day
We are proud to present Colorist Day at SCAD-Atlanta on Friday, November 5th. It will take place during the regular Temple meeting. Our guests are:
Matt Wilson (The Anchor; The End League; Thor: The Mighty Avenger; Ultimate Comics Mystery; Wolverine)
Laura Martin (Astonishing X-Men; The Ultimates; Thor; Planetary; The Authority; Ruse)
Friday, November 5th, Rm 347
Matt Wilson talk/demo 1-3pm
Laura Martin talk/demo 3:30-5:30pm
Matt Wilson (The Anchor; The End League; Thor: The Mighty Avenger; Ultimate Comics Mystery; Wolverine)
Laura Martin (Astonishing X-Men; The Ultimates; Thor; Planetary; The Authority; Ruse)
Friday, November 5th, Rm 347
Matt Wilson talk/demo 1-3pm
Laura Martin talk/demo 3:30-5:30pm

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Illustrator Dept. Airbrush Demo
Friday at about 1:30 Rick Lovell will be doing an airbrush demo in 379. SEQA Folks, go show the ILLU peeps some support. It's certain to be awe inspiring!
Shawn Crystal's ESPN Marvel Illu
Our fearless leader at SEQA-Atlanta, Professor Shawn Crystal, was one of the lucky comic artists who got to work with Marvel on the ESPN Marvel NBA Preview issue. His regular colorist on "Deadpool", the amazing John Rauch, backed him up with some gorgeous color. Check out more here. This issue is out at stands now so make sure you grab a copy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
SCAD SEQA Student Gets Zombified!

Tune in to AMC's new "The Walking Dead" show on 10/31, and see if you can spot SCAD/Atlanta SEQA student Megan Porch shambling through post-Apocalyptic Atlanta in full-out zombie mode. That's our Meg in the upper right of the accompanying pic, definitely dressed to munch. Meg spent long hours in zombie make-up, and wouldn't reveal the ultimate fate of her ghoulish alter-ego, saying only, "You'll have to watch & see!"
Production Room Workshop
SEQA-Atlanta's very own, amazingly awesome Jackie Lewis is the new Production Room Technician for the Production Room in 368. She'll be maintaining the equipment and binding supplies in the room.
This Friday, October 29th, and next Friday, November 5th, Jackie is offering a workshop on how to work the equipment in the room. It'll start at 11:00am, and go through all of the machines, their different purposes, and the materials needed to work them. This is going to be a perfect time to get all of your questions answered about the production equipment.
- October 29th and November 5th
- Production Room 368
- 11:00 am
If you enjoy self-publishing mini-comics, ashcans, or the like, this would be absolutely ideal for you to attend! Plus, Jackie is amazingly awesome.
This Friday, October 29th, and next Friday, November 5th, Jackie is offering a workshop on how to work the equipment in the room. It'll start at 11:00am, and go through all of the machines, their different purposes, and the materials needed to work them. This is going to be a perfect time to get all of your questions answered about the production equipment.
- October 29th and November 5th
- Production Room 368
- 11:00 am
If you enjoy self-publishing mini-comics, ashcans, or the like, this would be absolutely ideal for you to attend! Plus, Jackie is amazingly awesome.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Artists Forum 2010
The Artists Forum 2010 fast approaches. Our guests this year are:
Skottie Young
Eric Canete
Stan Sakai
Friday, October 22nd
Workshop with Eric Canete, Room 347, 1-2:30pm.
Panel discussion , Room 347, 4:30-6pm.
Saturday and Sunday, October 23rd and 24th
Workshops and Portfolio Reviews, sign-up at Room 346
Skottie Young
Eric Canete
Stan Sakai
Friday, October 22nd
Workshop with Eric Canete, Room 347, 1-2:30pm.
Panel discussion , Room 347, 4:30-6pm.
Saturday and Sunday, October 23rd and 24th
Workshops and Portfolio Reviews, sign-up at Room 346

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Advising This Friday
Make sure you come to Advising Day this Friday!
It's very important if you want to graduate on time!
SEQA students will be advised for Winter quarter classes during the Temple meeting this Friday from 1-4pm in room 347. Please make sure you come and bring your fellow SEQA students. Remember, it is very important everyone gets advised on time so all know what to register for because if not enough people register on time courses can be canceled that you may otherwise need to graduate. That means everyone needs to come to Advising Day, be on time, and stay on top of getting registered and help their peers do the same. Failure to do so could mean not graduating on time. You can view a tentative Winter schedule to see what SEQA courses are being offered now at the bottom of the Calendar.
Once you've been advised, registration for Winter quarter will begin on Monday, Oct. 18. Below are the dates registration starts for each group. Make sure you and your peers register on time!
It's very important if you want to graduate on time!
SEQA students will be advised for Winter quarter classes during the Temple meeting this Friday from 1-4pm in room 347. Please make sure you come and bring your fellow SEQA students. Remember, it is very important everyone gets advised on time so all know what to register for because if not enough people register on time courses can be canceled that you may otherwise need to graduate. That means everyone needs to come to Advising Day, be on time, and stay on top of getting registered and help their peers do the same. Failure to do so could mean not graduating on time. You can view a tentative Winter schedule to see what SEQA courses are being offered now at the bottom of the Calendar.
Once you've been advised, registration for Winter quarter will begin on Monday, Oct. 18. Below are the dates registration starts for each group. Make sure you and your peers register on time!
Graduates: Oct. 19
Seniors: Oct. 21
Juniors: Oct. 25
Sophomore: Oct. 27
Freshman: Oct. 29
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Scanning Station Etiquette
There are quite a few scanning stations across the SCAD-Atlanta campus but obviously there will be times when the demand for scanning far out weights the supply. This happens most often during midterm and finals. In order to allow everyone their fair time at scanning stations please remember the scanners are communal, respect the needs of your fellow students, and follow the SCAD Scanning Station policy. Please refer to it as needed:
Scanning stations are for making scans only.
Edit your scans on another computer.
This means you are only to make scans at those stations and nothing else. Once those scans are made save the files and move to another station to edit and clean your scans to continue working. Obviously, this also means you are not to play games, watch tv or movies, Facebook, blog, etc. at scanning stations either. Please be courteous to your fellow students and follow this simple policy.
Scanning stations are for making scans only.
Edit your scans on another computer.
This means you are only to make scans at those stations and nothing else. Once those scans are made save the files and move to another station to edit and clean your scans to continue working. Obviously, this also means you are not to play games, watch tv or movies, Facebook, blog, etc. at scanning stations either. Please be courteous to your fellow students and follow this simple policy.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Generate this Fri-Sat
Get ready for Generate this Friday and Saturday! It has grown from the SEQA 24-Hour Comic challenge to encompass multiple departments at SCAD-Atlanta. If you're a current SCAD student or alum come down for the fun. There are big prizes for the best work in each challenge. Here's a tidbit on what to expect this year:
SCAD puts its artistically talented students to the test with Generate, a unique competition that is aptly named because of the amazing projects generated in one very long and exciting day. The 24-hour art and design challenge takes place at SCAD Atlanta, 1600 Peachtree St., Oct. 1-2, 10 a.m. - 10 a.m. Students representing several academic majors and artistic disciplines work together under extreme deadlines alongside their professors and industry professionals from companies such as Publix, in designing next year's Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon poster, and Artifact Design, an award-winning 2D and 3D design studio based in Atlanta and Los Angeles.
Now in its fifth year, Generate challenges range from illustration and sequential art to animation and television producing. Projects include creating a 24-page black and white comic book and designing the promotional poster for the 2011 Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon. School of Film and Digital Media students have the opportunity to create 15-second animated interstitials for Artifact Design, while photography students create a series of self-portraits on the hour, every hour. The portraits will be exhibited on the university's photography department blog. Illustration students will create paintings based upon personal interpretations of popular video game characters such as Pac Man and Mario.
Each participating academic major presents different challenges, some of which have been created to match the initiatives and needs of the corporate sponsors. Representatives from these companies will judge the student work based on a brief provided to the students at the beginning of the competition. Students are free to work alone, collaborate with other students or work outside of their major areas of study. Non-participating students and faculty are encouraged to be on hand to observe the event and support the competitors.
"Generate is an amazing learning opportunity for students, cleverly disguised as a really fun and exciting time to experiment and test the limits of their expertise," said Pat Quinn, associate dean for the School of Communication Arts.
For more information, visit the Generate blog.
SEQA alum storyboard work
SCAD-Atlanta SEQA alum Alex App worked on the storyboards for "Good Intentions" and it's getting some play on cable and a local viewing. Check it out:
"Good Intentions" airing on Showtime
An off-beat, southern comedy about blackmail, robbery...... and family values!
Feature film, "Good Intentions" makes its TV premiere on the Showtime Network beginning October 1, 2010. "Good Intentions" is an off-beat, southern comedy with heart and stars country music superstar LeAnn Rimes in her feature film acting debut. The film also stars Luke Perry (Beverly Hills 90210), Elaine Hendrix (The Parent Trap), Jon Gries (Napoleon Dynamite) and Jimmi Simpson (Date Night). Check out for more movie updates and behind-the-scenes photos.
Big Screen Viewing
In celebration of the Showtime Network TV premiere, "Good Intentions" will be screening at The Dixie Film Festival in Athens, Georgia on Saturday October 2, 2010. Actors and filmmakers will be on hand for a question and answer session after the screening. An after-party will be held following the Q&A. Details:
• Morton Theatre - downtown Athens, GA
• Saturday, October 2, 2010, 7 p.m.
• Q&A with actors & filmmakers
• More info at
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Display Banners for Conventions
If you're looking to have a banner made for conventions you ought to check this site out. It's very affordable and the quality is there. We'd recommend a retractable banner to make transport, storage, and setup extremely easy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Meet the Faculty
All of our faculty at SCAD-Atlanta in the Sequential Art department are current working professionals in the comic book industry. They have a huge variety of skills and collectively have been published by every major comic company in the USA. If you are a new or potential SEQA-Atlanta student and want to get to know your professors check out their work and websites for more information.
Shawn Crystal - Program Coordinator
Primary Courses
SEQA 382 Visual Storytelling I
SEQA 394 Advanced Inking Techniques
SEQA 405 Visual Storytelling II
SEQA 741 Inking Techniques
Published Works
Deadpool Team-Up #892, #896, Vol.1
Deadpool #13-14, #900, Vol. 3
Deadpool: Games of Death
Deadpool: Suicide Kings HC
Patrick Quinn - Assoc. Dean of Communication Arts
Primary Courses
DRAW 206 Drawing for Storyboarding
Assoc. Dean for SEQA, ILLU, GRDS, ADVE depts
Published Works
The Phantom #1, 2, 7, 8
The Phantom: Legacy
The Phantom: Generations #1
Chucky #3-5
G.I. Joe: Declassified #1-3
Captain Marvel vol. 4 #23-24
Green Lantern vol. 3 #150
JLA-Z #1
Cryptopia #1-4
Chris Schweizer - Professor
Primary Courses
SEQA 244 Comic Book Scripting
SEQA 701 Theories & Practices for Sequential Art
SEQA 770 Sequential Art Self-promotion
Published Works
Oni Press Free Comic Book Day 2010
Crogan's Vengeance
Crogan's March
Crogan's Loyalty
Nickelodeon Magazine
Doug Dabbs - Professor
Primary Courses
SEQA 325 Environments, Props and Structures
SEQA 224 Character Design and Storyboarding for Animation
Published Works
Resurrection: The Insurgent Edition
Resurrection: Annual #1
June Brigman - Adjunct Professor
Primary Courses
DRAW 206 Drawing for Storyboarding
SEQA 202 Drawing for Sequential Art
Published Works
Power Pack #1-17
New Mutants #56
New Mutants Annual #4
Supergirl #1–4
Star Wars: River of Chaos
Black Beauty
Nolan Woodard - Adjunct Professor
Primary Courses
SEQA 277 Digital Coloring & Lettering Applications for Comics
SEQA 311 Conceptual Illustration
SEQA 712 Concept Design in Sequential Art
SEQA 731 Digital Design Issues in Sequential Art
Published Works
Insufferable #1-18
Incorruptible #10-30, Vol. 3,4,5,& 6
Irredeemable #21, 28, 31-37, Vol. 6, 8, 9, 10
Planet of the Apes Annual #1
Planet of the Apes #2-5,7-8, Vol. 1 & 2
28 Days Later #17-24, Vol. 5 & 6
Farscape: Scorpius #0-7, Vol. 1 & 2
Lady Deadpool #1, Women of Marvel Vol. 1
Outlaw Territory, Vol. 2
Various covers colored for BOOM! Studios
Jackie Lewis - Staff
Primary Duties
Production Lab Assistant
SEQA Library Manager
Published Works
Play Ball

Primary Courses
SEQA 382 Visual Storytelling I
SEQA 394 Advanced Inking Techniques
SEQA 405 Visual Storytelling II
SEQA 741 Inking Techniques
Published Works
Deadpool Team-Up #892, #896, Vol.1
Deadpool #13-14, #900, Vol. 3
Deadpool: Games of Death
Deadpool: Suicide Kings HC

Primary Courses
DRAW 206 Drawing for Storyboarding
Assoc. Dean for SEQA, ILLU, GRDS, ADVE depts
Published Works
The Phantom #1, 2, 7, 8
The Phantom: Legacy
The Phantom: Generations #1
Chucky #3-5
G.I. Joe: Declassified #1-3
Captain Marvel vol. 4 #23-24
Green Lantern vol. 3 #150
JLA-Z #1
Cryptopia #1-4

Primary Courses
SEQA 244 Comic Book Scripting
SEQA 701 Theories & Practices for Sequential Art
SEQA 770 Sequential Art Self-promotion
Published Works
Oni Press Free Comic Book Day 2010
Crogan's Vengeance
Crogan's March
Crogan's Loyalty
Nickelodeon Magazine

Primary Courses
SEQA 325 Environments, Props and Structures
SEQA 224 Character Design and Storyboarding for Animation
Published Works
Resurrection: The Insurgent Edition
Resurrection: Annual #1

Primary Courses
DRAW 206 Drawing for Storyboarding
SEQA 202 Drawing for Sequential Art
Published Works
Power Pack #1-17
New Mutants #56
New Mutants Annual #4
Supergirl #1–4
Star Wars: River of Chaos
Black Beauty

Primary Courses
SEQA 277 Digital Coloring & Lettering Applications for Comics
SEQA 311 Conceptual Illustration
SEQA 712 Concept Design in Sequential Art
SEQA 731 Digital Design Issues in Sequential Art
Published Works
Insufferable #1-18
Incorruptible #10-30, Vol. 3,4,5,& 6
Irredeemable #21, 28, 31-37, Vol. 6, 8, 9, 10
Planet of the Apes Annual #1
Planet of the Apes #2-5,7-8, Vol. 1 & 2
28 Days Later #17-24, Vol. 5 & 6
Farscape: Scorpius #0-7, Vol. 1 & 2
Lady Deadpool #1, Women of Marvel Vol. 1
Outlaw Territory, Vol. 2
Various covers colored for BOOM! Studios

Primary Duties
Production Lab Assistant
SEQA Library Manager
Published Works
Play Ball
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
HOLY FRAK! SEQA Prof. Captured by Admiral Adama!

SCAD/Atlanta Sequential Prof. June Brigman had a close encounter with Edward James Olmos, the actor who portrayed Admiral Adama on the SCI FI Channel's late great "Battlestar Galactica" tv series. Brigman and her fellow SEQA Prof. (and husband)
Roy Richardson were attending the Dallas Comic Con when this cosmic encounter occurred. Show producer Mark Walters claimed to have had no hand in arranging the meeting, which he nonetheless was prepared to record via iPhone. "He's even better looking in person!" Prof. Brigman was later heard to gush. Prof. Richardson had no comment on the subject.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Legend of Zelda challenge
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