If you are a college student, professor, military, police, or fire you can get discounted tickets for $5/day here. Share this link around. SEQA students take advantage of this and come out to Wizard World ATL!
SEQA-Atlanta will be represented by a ton of alum, faculty, grads, and undergrads at Wizard World ATL. Each of these people will have their own table in artist alley or will be manning the Temple of Cartoon Mojo table at Table 534. Click on the SEQA-Atlanta guests for more information and come by to say hello:
SEQA-ATL Program Coordinator
Table 917
SEQA Faculty
Table 1303
SEQA Faculty
Table 1101
Chris Schweizer
SEQA Faculty
Table 534
June Brigman
SEQA Faculty
Table 919
Roy Richardson
SEQA Faculty
Table 919
Rick Lovell
ILLU Faculty
Table 917

Table 1218
Table 534
Table 534
Table 534
Graduate Student
Table 917
Graduate Student
Table 534
Graduate Student
Table 534
Robin Holstein
Graduate Student
Table 534
If you are also SCAD-Atlanta alum, faculty, or student and will have a table at Wizard World Atlanta, please email templeofcartoonmojo@gmail.com so we can add you to our list.