Hank Jones
Friday, December 12, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Over-Break Sketch Challenges!!
You heard it right, kiddos!
There was enough interest in the a sketch challenge during breaks for us to start hosting them! They'll be online only but feel free to get together and draw with your buds! We, the participating students, can still vote on the Sketch Challenge subject via the facebook page or you can email us at templeofcartoonmojo@gmail.com with a suggestion/vote. The sketch challenge rules are still the same! Send your finished piece to the same email mentioned above! Remember the sketch challenge is 90 minutes long!
Stay tuned to see what our talented crop of artists cook up in just 90 minutes!
There was enough interest in the a sketch challenge during breaks for us to start hosting them! They'll be online only but feel free to get together and draw with your buds! We, the participating students, can still vote on the Sketch Challenge subject via the facebook page or you can email us at templeofcartoonmojo@gmail.com with a suggestion/vote. The sketch challenge rules are still the same! Send your finished piece to the same email mentioned above! Remember the sketch challenge is 90 minutes long!
Stay tuned to see what our talented crop of artists cook up in just 90 minutes!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Thank you! (Artist Forum Overview)
Thank you to special guests Van Jensen, Tradd Moore, and Matt Wilson, not only for the amazing advice but for all the personal anecdotes that proved everyone gets into comics different! It was so nice to hear each of you talk about your experiences in the industry. We hope you had just as much fun as we did!
Some students were so excited for this forum they even got there before the guests!! Check out this tweet from SEQA student Emily Barnard!
Our panelists from left to right: Matt Wilson, Van Jensen, Tradd Moore
These page gurus had an open Q&A with the students before the workshops.
Some pictures from Tradd Moore's "How to choreograph a fight scene" workshop! Students even got to thumbnail a fight scene and show it to Tradd for feedback. How cool is that?! (Super cool.)
Matt Wilson dropped some serious coloring knowledge on us in this workshop!!
Van Jensen talked story and some handy tricks, like the chart shown above, to keep in mind while telling a story.
Thank you again for coming, guys! Hope to see you again soon!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Student Spotlight: Luciano A.D. Perez

He is something-like-a-junior and is known for his speed and for drawing at a size relative to his own tiny stature. Influenced by the works of Tessa Stone, Art Spiegalman, Pendelton Ward, and Mike Mignola. Luc's favourite activities include spotting blacks and inking lines over loose pencils. He enjoys both working on pages and illustrations. To keep up with Luc you can visit his tumblr!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Student Spotlight: Jaime Franks

Later on in his life, other artists such as Eiichiro Oda, Hirohiko Araki, Jamie Hewlett, Jaime Hernandez, and Mike Mignola would become influences on his work. Comics are not the only source of Jaime’s influences. Ever since he was in high school, music has been a major source of his creativity as well. Bands such as Gorillaz, The Clash, The Stranglers, Gnarls Barkley, Talking Heads, and Daft Punk have all played their part in shaping his artistic vision.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Advising will be held this Friday at 11:00 A.M. in room 384! A sign up sheet will be posted outside my office (room 382) on Tuesday at 10:40 A.M.
In order for you to be advised, you must print your name on the sign-up sheet and be in 384 at 11:00. Once we have gone through all present bodies who have signed the sheet, the advising session will be over. So get there early!
See everyone there!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Generate 24: Overview
Generate happened!! Generate is a challenge where students attempt to do 24 comic pages in 24 hours. No easy task to say the least. At SCAD: Atlanta our SEQA department did a fantastic job making Generate an interesting and engaging experience. We had prizes, special guests, even food! Our special guests walked around couching students on their pages and whatever help they may need, including some encouraging tweets!
In case you missed it, here are some highlights:
In case you missed it, here are some highlights:
(Special guests: Marvel's Mike Marts and Katie Kubert dropping some knowledge.)
(Green Lantern writer Van Jensen checking out previous student spotlight Em Barnard's work!)
(Artist Meghan Hetrick sharing her portfolio with the students.)
(Virtual Tour of IDW's home base via iPAD)
(Students with Twitter received some encouraging words in the later hours from our special guest from Robot 6, Tim O'Shea)
Congratulations to those who finished the challenge!! 24 pages in 24 hours is no easy feat but with a good work ethic and some major endurance skills, the following students completely the challenge!
Mittie Paul
Jamel Jones
Anderson Carman
Jaime Frank
Special thank you to all of our sponsors. We would be able to have this amazing event without you. huge thank you to our very own Pat Quinn for organizing the event. You did an amazing job this year (like you do every year)!!
Be sure to check out the article Tim O'Shea wrote on Generate at Robot6.com!!
(pictures courtesy of Pat Quinn)
Student Spotlight: Brittany Heiner

After finishing her illustration undergrad at Brigham Young University, she spent several years at a crafting company called Provo Craft, working as a cartridge content designer for their Cricut die-cutting machine. Her favorite part was working on licensed material, getting to play with vector art from Disney, Sanrio, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, and Warner Bros. She even got to visit the Warner Bros HQ in Burbank and meet some of their licensing execs. If you pick up the Superman Cricut cartridge, you'll find the font included is her handwriting! (like in the below example that someone posted online)
To keep up with Brittany's work be sure to check out her blog and be sure to check out her webcomic, mentioned above!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Generate 24 Announcement- Special Guests!!
Official GENERATE announcement has been announced.
GENERATE = 24 page black & white comic in 24 hours. Starting with a 9:45am kick off near the homework labs, them starting at 10:00am in 384 and 389. Snacks throughout, but plan your own breakfast and lunch on Friday. Sandwiches for dinner, pizza at midnight and coffee starts at 3:00pm on Friday.
1. IDW is a major sponsor again - prizes and Skype calls!
2. ComiXology will help promote your completed work through Submit (for those that choose to agree to the Submit terms available on their website - we will review again on Friday)
3. You will have industry coaches on hand for the event...drumroll....Marvel editor Katie Kubert and Marvel executive editor Mike Marts will be here!!!! Be there and be prepared to rock!!
4. special guest VAN JENSEN - writer for DC, Valiant and Top Shelf will be popping in!
Feel free to give all of our awesome sponsors shout-outs via social media...and promote your own awesomeness! IF you choose the OPTION of having your work available via ComiXology Submit - review their agreement here: https://submit.comixology.com/ We will discuss this more on Friday IF you choose the OPTION of publishing through ComiXology be sure to follow up with copyrighting your material here: http://copyright.gov/forms/
GENERATE = 24 page black & white comic in 24 hours. Starting with a 9:45am kick off near the homework labs, them starting at 10:00am in 384 and 389. Snacks throughout, but plan your own breakfast and lunch on Friday. Sandwiches for dinner, pizza at midnight and coffee starts at 3:00pm on Friday.
1. IDW is a major sponsor again - prizes and Skype calls!
2. ComiXology will help promote your completed work through Submit (for those that choose to agree to the Submit terms available on their website - we will review again on Friday)
3. You will have industry coaches on hand for the event...drumroll....Marvel editor Katie Kubert and Marvel executive editor Mike Marts will be here!!!! Be there and be prepared to rock!!
4. special guest VAN JENSEN - writer for DC, Valiant and Top Shelf will be popping in!
Feel free to give all of our awesome sponsors shout-outs via social media...and promote your own awesomeness! IF you choose the OPTION of having your work available via ComiXology Submit - review their agreement here: https://submit.comixology.com/ We will discuss this more on Friday IF you choose the OPTION of publishing through ComiXology be sure to follow up with copyrighting your material here: http://copyright.gov/forms/
Monday, September 29, 2014
Student Spotlight: Chris Brunner

Armed to the teeth with experience, talent, and a good sense of humor, Chris is a top notch artist and a top notch guy. He is actually SCAD Atlanta's tutor in Sequential Art and hosts a tutoring lab from 2pm to 4pm on Fridays. If you need someone to look to for help in concept art, storyboarding, coloring, lettering, almost anything you should give Chris a holler by booking an appointment through the tutoring center on mySCAD.
His personal style mixes realism with exaggerated proportion. Acting as a team with Rico Renzi, long time friend and colorist, Brunner and Renzi's finished pieces exhibit vibrant and energetic palettes bringing us into an exaggerated and animated reality unique to their work.
He has had his hand in every part of making comics too. Even as far as post-production! According to his deviantart page his materials of choice include HB pencil, Zebra Brush Pen, Photoshop, Microns and Top menthol. His inspiration includes the work of Wally Wood, Ira Glass, and Jim Henson.
This skill filled punk is one of the coolest cats in the department and we're happy to have him in the Temple of Cartoon Mojo. If you'd like to keep up with the kickstand kids, Rico and Chris, be sure to visit their blogspot, tumblr, and deviantart.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Student Spotlight: Em Barnard

Em didn't get into comics until going to SCAD's summer seminars her senior year of high school. Much like a passion for comics, inspiration can come from anywhere and strike at any time! Her inspiration lies in a variety of web comics, such as Tessa Stone's Hanna's Not A Boy's Name, and a wide range of European comics. Between her organic use of line and her library of rough textures, Em's work demonstrates a contrast between the environments and the characters that harkens back to Cartoon Network's 2008 series The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. Below are two pages from her short comic Kodama.
Em doesn't just apply her storytelling chops to comics either! She has an interest in storyboarding and character design as well. Example boards below from Amatures (Warning: A single cuss word.)
We are honored to have Em Barnard as a member and we expect amazing things from her! If you'd like to contact Em or check out more of her work be sure to visit her website or email her at EmarettoHB@gmail.com!
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