Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thank you! (Artist Forum Overview)

Thank you to special guests Van Jensen, Tradd Moore, and Matt Wilson, not only for the amazing advice but for all the personal anecdotes that proved everyone gets into comics different! It was so nice to hear each of you talk about your experiences in the industry. We hope you had just as much fun as we did!

Our panelists from left to right: Matt Wilson, Van Jensen, Tradd Moore
These page gurus had an open Q&A with the students before the workshops.

Some students were so excited for this forum they even got there before the guests!! Check out this tweet from SEQA student Emily Barnard!

Some pictures from Tradd Moore's "How to choreograph a fight scene" workshop! Students even got to thumbnail a fight scene and show it to Tradd for feedback. How cool is that?! (Super cool.)

Matt Wilson dropped some serious coloring knowledge on us in this workshop!!

Van Jensen talked story and some handy tricks, like the chart shown above, to keep in mind while telling a story.

Thank you again for coming, guys! Hope to see you again soon!!

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